How to Design a bedroom with a Growth Along With Your Children

Before a child growing up their characters famous for their personal tastes change from minute to minute. And, that's okay - it's all part of the fun of growing up.However, when it comes time to decorate their rooms, constantly updating the decor to reflect the ever-changing tastes can be exhausting, not to mention expensive. Use these tips to design a bedroom that will grow with your child and still let them express who they are.

Investment in Timeless Furniture:

If you have a little one, very easy to get taken in by the beautiful nursery items. But the cuteness of the pieces far beyond their longevity. After a few years of your child's age, they would seem too juvenile and you will once again find yourself in the store. Instead, look for furniture that you can see keeping your home for years to come. For example, instead of buying child-sized agencies, choose the one that will grow into their clothes. If you have more space, you can design a double bed over the sleeping arrangements accommodate more every guest who visits

Multifunctional Furniture Choose the right:

Two-duty furniture is ideal, especially when looking to transition from a suitable space for the baby room into a space that is ready for a child. Thinking beyond the idea of ​​a standard changing table and buy a table or cupboard that can be fitted with a padded changing mat. This way, you can use the tables turn when you need it, but your child has a ready-made space to do his homework after he started school. Similarly, when it is time to start shopping for a bed, look for one that has a built-in storage underneath. This storage will help keep the room looking fresh and clean and tidy whilst also giving you additional options to get rid of supply kinds of toys that are not suitable with the age of the child.  

Keep Pricy Neutral Design Elements:

In every design project, there are some areas that you might want to stand the test of time - floor coverings, furniture, and paint colors. Instead of using these things to make a statement - like painting the nursery walls a pastel pink or blue - choose the option that has the durability. Choose paint colors that are warm and inviting, classic finish to your furniture and floor coverings that are universal.

Where neutrality is concerned, the price is a good rule to follow. If the item you buy costs a large amount of money, make sure that your items are not quickly dull or outdated in a short time. Leave combining trendy decoration for the items that you will not mind replacing when they go out of style.

 Accessories Add Personality within their Children:

Of course, your child's room should not be without personality, far from it. It is a space of their own and they should be encouraged to use it to express who they are. Just be sure to add them arise from personality with accessories that can be changed as easily as their interests. This means that items such as rugs, cushions, and photo frames that you will be fine with swapping a semi-regular basis. Moreover, while it is always great to keep the clutter minimum, allowing your child to choose a few trinkets to display in his room is a simple and affordable way to allow him to feel involved in the design process

Jauhkan Anak Anda Terlibat:

Kamar tidur anak Anda adalah daerah di mana ia akan menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya, jadi penting bahwa ia merasa nyaman dan  di rumah dalam ruang. Dalam bukunya, "Kamar untuk Anak-anak: Spaces Stylish ke Tidur and Play", penulis Susanna Salk menegaskan pentingnya kompromi. Dia menyarankan mengingatkan anak-anak Anda bahwa, sementara kamar mereka ruang mereka sendiri, mereka juga bagian dari rumah secara keseluruhan. Jangan takut untuk membicarakan tentang bagaimana desain ruang tidur bersama anak anda. Namun perlu diingat bahwa lebih baik anak Anda merasa tentang ruang nya, semakin besar kemungkinan akan diambil dari perawatan dalam jangka panjang.

Akhir Kesimpulan:

Ketika datang ke anak-anak, tidak ada yang permanen. Mereka mengubah makanan favorit mereka, warna, dan gaya semudah angin bertiup. Mengapa desain kamar mereka menjadi pengecualian? Bersiaplah untuk permintaan ini untuk perubahan yang akan datang dan terbuka untuk mereka ketika mereka datang. Namun, dengan mengikuti tips ini untuk merancang sebuah ruangan yang tumbuh bersama dengan anak Anda, Anda dapat menyimpan sendiri banyak waktu, uang, dan frustrasi dalam proses. Tapi, terbaik dari semua, Anda dapat menghormati kepribadian unik anak Anda saat melakukannya, yang tidak pernah hal yang buruk.

Jika  Anda memiliki tip desain ruang tidur anak-anak, anda bisa berbagi dengan menulis ke dalam komentar di bawah ini.
